Smart home technology hasn’t been around that long. But when compared to other industries that rely on smart technology to reach the demand of their customers, it is clear that our industry has missed a few steps. There are thousands of new products for lighting design, energy management, security, and home environments. We’ve seen the supply, we know the demand, so what are we missing here? Why has it been so hard to just give the people what they want?
The answers lie in the process of delivery. The logistics of selling new homebuyers options during the selection process can be complicated due to a poor process or the total lack of one. The current process relies heavily on an antiquated supply chain — homebuilders rely on the electrical contractor to show them new products. This results in giving the contractor the added and unwanted role of “technology consultant” when in fact that is not their specialty. A wide variety of products are not delivered to the end-user because of this. Without an expert in the mix, the contractor often overlooks the manufacturer’s best products, and the builder misses the opportunity to sell the homebuyer the latest and greatest.

“How do we give our customers what they really want, technology-wise? How do we incorporate today’s booming smart home market into our brand new homes? And above all, how do we create 21st century homes?” ….Sound familiar?
To date, Aterra Designs has offered the only solution that connects the homebuyer to the manufacturer’s latest and greatest. Actively filling the holes in this disjointed supply chain and making everyone in the equation more profitable, more in the know, and simply more happy is our Modus Operandi.
Our process is so: we digitally display the latest in technology and lighting/electrical design in builders’ design centers. This allows homebuilders to access to the latest products, homeowners can select the technology and options they want so badly, and the electrical contractors are alleviated from the pressure of doing it all themselves.
By pairing the supply of the manufacturers to the demand of the homeowners, we can finally give new homeowners the 21st century homes they desire.