Community Involvement Initiative

Making the World a Lighter Place

We believe that Aterra can truly make a difference in people’s lives. Our goals include lifting our community and ourselves through service. We want you to feel inspired and empowered to pursue causes that you passionately believe in.

We are taking our Environmental, Social, and Economic Impact into consideration and looking for true overlap so that we can do the most good. 

Participation can be individual or as part of our Aterra Team! Look at the calendar at the bottom of the page to join activities that have already been approved.

Your submissions will be reviewed on the following criteria:

  • WORTHWHILE CAUSE: Pick resources or causes that don’t enable bad habits or the development of them.
  • INVOLVEMENT: We can sponsor a baseball team, but a better opportunity might be to coach the baseball team to mentor and develop future leaders in our communities.
  • DONATIONS: When donating time or money, what betterment will come about because of it? What are the long-term and short-term effects?
  • SUSTAINABILITY: Where our environmental, social, and economic impact overlap. We are looking for opportunities that combine all three areas of impact.


A collection of all the great community involvement events being performed by fellow Aterrans. 

You may join any event with a “+” at the end. Simply email the event organizer.